OK. Here they are. The gods have made their decree…….
The season opening regatta at Taree is this weekend. Below is the handicap, in minutes, allocated to any suspected entrant. Don’t panic if you don’t have a handicap or disagree with it – the committee is as honourable as any political party in Australia and will review it given the right incentive. (ie see a committee member with a good ‘reason’ (carton) & we’ll review your handicap). The handicaps were the result of an analysis of last season’s regatta race results, then manipulated as necessary considering new crews, previous results, etc. A best ‘guess’ has been made to entice entrants & ensure everyone has an equal chance. We think they are fair, but the best way to ensure a better handicap is to sail in races. The VS system will benefit a boat that starts & does not score a place. Another good reason to sail at the regattas……. So, if you are keen, don’t forget the entries for the States & Travellers championships close just before the first race. And entry is free!! Just let the committee know or fill in the paperwork. But for those members who have other commitments or cannot sail at all the regattas and don’t want to enter the State & Travellers Series, all is not lost. Remember each VS regatta race is run as a separate event, with all registered boats eligible for the daily prizes. All registered boats have an allocated handicap. So if you don’t want to enter the States or Travellers series, but decide it would be good to come to say race on Sunday at Teralba – come along!! You can drift around with the rest of us & might get a prize… So now is the time to get some paper work done. Membership & boat capitation forms are on the web site or available from the committee. Why not complete them now? A downloadable version is available in the 'Paper Trail' including the Boat Handicaps. Comments are closed.
January 2025
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