This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar. Hi John,
Purpose of my email was to perhaps start a conversation on future direction. I do this as a long term member and life member. Certainly don’t want to point fingers only make some observations based on the lower numbers that are now evident this season. Steve and his committee does a tremendous job. Sometimes a forum where members can discuss concerns, raise issue or praise the class can be a good thing. I thought a conversation might kick that off. Something a member can more readily do than a committee member. I sat on the committee as president, registrar and vice president for some 13 or so years so I know it’s not at all easy to get venues arranged. My point is that the further we travel the more boats fall away. I think the nationals is a marquee event for the class. It’s a chance for everyone over a week to get enthusiastic, socialise, network, discuss next season etc. I wasn’t too excited about KI last year and expressed that concern at the Teralba meeting, Mick Turton also expressed that same concern, Pete Richards and some others also raised concerns. Apart from not attending the handful of boats that did go meant the majority didn’t attend and I think this was a lost opportunity. That’s all. Others I am sure would disagree. That’s OK too. But it doesn’t hurt to discuss. So please don’t think I am criticising the committee. It’s a tough and sometimes thankless task and I totally empathise with the difficulty associated with making a decision and trying to deal with what appears to be a totally lethargic response from possible host clubs. My comments are just based on observation. I am happy to be proven wrong. Perhaps the numbers are there but people are for whatever reason not attending. I don’t know. As I said, Firestorm is a great product. Perhaps if we can document your design and make it easier for new members that are keen to build then I reckon that would go a long way to getting things moving. Perhaps we need some of the senior guys to split up and campaign a boat with younger crews. (just an idea) TD tells me that the Belmont 16s fleet has halved. Perhaps they are a good potential. I’d be surprised if a bunch of blokes sailing 16’s would shift to an NS a VS may be a perfect compromise! I don’t think the 49er is something they would jump at. So where do they go after sailing 16s? My heart (like I know yours is) is the class continuing to grow. This is a class made up of very good and capable people with good intentions. I’d be surprised if the 16 ft. skiff guys rallied around to rig another blokes boat. They’d probably sneer and start early. Just want to harness that good will and increase numbers. Best regards Peter T Comments are closed.
January 2025
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